If you need help supplying artwork just contact our friendly staff for assistance.
How to get it to us
You can supply your artwork in person or by mail on a flashdrive or on cd/dvd, please note we do not accept floppy discs. Or you can email us artwork under 5MB in size. If your artwork is over 5MB please Contact Us for a private FTP account.
Preferred File Types
The preferred file types for print are: TIFF, EPS, AI, PDF or JPG Preferred file types for computer cut signs are: EPS or AI We also accept source files from the following software: ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE CS3 or below, CORELDRAW X4 or below and FLEXISIGN 8.5 or below. If you compress your files please use only ZIP or RAR compression. [spacer size=”20″] [box title=”Things to consider when designing your artwork” color=”#FDD305″] Please ensure all bitmap files (TIFF, JPG) are flattened and in CMYK colour only. For Vector files or combination vector and bitmap files, please ensure the vector parts are in CMYK and all fonts have been converted to curves. If any colours need to be matched please provide PMS colours or samples to match to. Due to the nature of cmyk inks and the varying colour gamut produced by digital printers, we cannot guarantee to match all colors. We do however get as close as possible with our machinery and we will always consult you if unsure. Please include a minimum 5mm bleed on all mounted prints, and consult us for bleed on other signs. Please do not include ANY registration, crop, or bleed marks unless instructed to do so. [/box]